How to Recover from Rotator Cuff Injury

Posted by admin on 12th Jan 2021

The rotator cuff is a system of muscles and ligaments in the shoulder that keep the shoulder joint in place and allow the wide range […]

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Hip Replacement and Cold Compression

Posted by admin on 12th Jan 2021

Hip Replacement and Cold Compression According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), over 330,000 people over 45 undergo hip replacement each year. […]

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Reduce Narcotics with Cold Compression

Posted by admin on 12th Jan 2021

Reduce Narcotics with Cold Compression Injury, surgeries, and muscle strain happen to almost everyone at some point or another – athletes and ordinary people alike. […]

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Cold Compression Soccer Example

Posted by admin on 12th Jan 2021

During championship games, medical staff faces as much of a challenge as the athletes do. The upcoming 2016 UEFA Championship would be a case in […]

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Why R.I.C.E Isn’t Enough

Posted by admin on 12th Jan 2021

RICE, or sometimes PRICE (protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation), has been the standard modality of care for musculoskeletal injuries for nearly four decades. Gabe Mirkin […]

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Causes of Back Pain and Use of Cold Compression

Posted by admin on 12th Jan 2021

Back pain is a serious problem for Americans. By some estimates, as many as 80% of adults in the United States suffer from back pain. […]

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