Ice Compression Moove

Need a fast, effective, and convenient way to treat your injuries and get back in the game?

The Moove is a highly effective injury treatment device. It features a convenient way to manage your most common and debilitating conditions and can also help speed up your recovery time following a surgical procedure.

Our Moove device simultaneously provides both compression and ice therapy, therefore, blocking the inflammatory process, decreasing pain, eliminating lymphatic edema, speeding up the healing process, and ultimately reducing recovery time. The built-in programs are ideal for post-operative settings, physical therapy treatments, and personalized at-home treatments.


  • imgColor touchscreen
  • imgDouble arrow navigation feature
  • imgAutomatic purge of splint after use
  • imgNew separate air/water inputs
  • imgProtective sensors on the pumps
  • img6 feet extension hose
  • imgWorks with water, ice cubes or ice-trays
  • imgAutomatic control of water temperature – Easy Cart patented system
  • imgTouchscreen, 10 programs + 10 customizable ones
  • imgStatic and dynamic compression
  • imgDynamic pressotherapy function
  • imgSplint for each part of body available
  • imgPossibility to repeat the cycle with a break between two cycles
  • imgPossibility of a two-phase protocol with static and dynamic compression



  • imgDECREASES pain
  • imgBLOCKS inflammatory process
  • imgELIMINATES edemas
  • imgACCELERATES tissue healing
  • imgREDUCES recovery time
  • imgEdemas
  • imgBruises
  • imgMuscle Tear
  • imgHealing
  • imgRecovery
  • imgTendinitis
  • img Sprains
  • imgSwelling
  • imgDrainage



  • imgManual mode: Manually pump water into splint through 5 second flows every 30 seconds or continuously
  • imgAutomatic mode: The program automatically monitors the water flow sent through the splint once the user sets a target temperature.
  • img3 temperature sensors assist the therapist while carrying out the treatment :
  • imgTemperature of water container
  • imgSetpoint temperature
  • imgTemperature of water returning from the splint
  • imgThis function allows you to reduce water-flow and allow the patient to be more comfortable with insertion pathologies
  • imgEasy Cart patented system sold separately
  • imgPressure from 0 to 75 mmHg
  • imgConstant pressure for action on deeper planes
  • imgDynamic pressure for a pumping effect: adjustment of the high pressure and the holding time of set pressure and adjustment of low pressure and holding time
  • imgPressotherapy only function in dynamic mode


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